Deciding on a college and course is a big deal for a lot of young people and with many colleges now offering open days to prospective students to come and get a feel for the place there is a budding competition for colleges to outdo each other to impress students. They may hire musicians or performers or hand out freebies, but we believe Chigwellâs college out did them all when they decided to hire Hog Roast Chigwell to cater their open day!
What could be more welcoming than a delicious Hog Roast Chigwell to make you feel at home and, as the head of college was hoping, entice you study there. We set up a stall in the main foyer where we started to cook our simplistic yet mouth-watering Hog Roast Chigwell. As students flitted past heading to various welcome talks and tasters they all eyed up our hog slowly cooking away. When lunch time came we had a steady stream of parents, teachers and students all lined up to get a taste. The beauty of this style of catering is that as we served the freshly sliced hog straight into beautifully baked bread rolls, the meal was fully portable, and the students could continue to wander round and explore or chat to staff whilst they filled their bellies.
Due to our flexible cooking style we were able to serve all three hundred attendees throughout the afternoon and ensured that each hog roast roll we served was just as fresh and delicious as the first. By the end of the afternoon the college head came over to thank us and said that this had been their most successful open event to date! They had attracted more people to the event and already had received applications form many of the students. We left the college pleased as Hog Roast Chigwell had provide another excellent catering service and manged to help the college out in the process. We look forward to being back next year!